What a concept as we age we actually get younger. We would feel better, have more flexibility, and be able to engage in more activities especially at a time where we have more disposable income to do those things that are important to us. So let’s examine this ludicrous statement.
In the book “Younger Next Year” which was written by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge M.D. (his close friend and physician). The book goes on to explain this concept and the evidence is quite compelling. A few interesting facts: 1.) Genes only explain 20%, 2.) 50% of all illnesses and injuries in the last third of your life can be eliminated by changing lifestyle, 3.) 70% of all premature deaths are lifestyle related, and 4.) 70% of what you “feel” as aging is optional. One of the quotes that resonated with me was “Aging is mandatory, decaying is optional”.
Everyone’s lifestyle is their own and I am not advocating you to do anything, what I am advocating you do is stop, just for a moment and reflect on this question “Are you giving yourself the highest probability of success in actively enjoying the upcoming years when you have the flexibility of time and the flexibility of money?” Not only are you the only one to answer this question, but you are the only one that can do anything about it.
Younger next year is all about commitment, you have to care about something or someone to motivate you to become younger next year.
Good luck on your youthful evolution!
The Leader Who Had No Title
Leadership is more art than science and it all starts with effective communication, candor and accountability. The following nine points will assist you in being a better leader personally and professionally.
Remember That You Don’t Need A Title To Be A Leader
Leadership has less to do with the size of your title than the depth of your commitment. I’ve seen front-line employees, taxi drivers, and carpet installers doing their work with the passion of Picasso. Leadership isn’t really about authority. It’s about choice you can make to do your best work each and every day, regardless of where you’re planted.
Shift From Victimhood To Leadership
No great career, business, or life was ever created on a platform of excuses. Too many people play victim at work. They blame the boss or the economy or the competition or the weather for their less than mediocre results. Leaders Without a Title are different. They get that they have power. It may not be the power granted through a title like CEO or SVP. But they have power. And that’s the power to see opportunity amid crises. That’s the power to drive positive change. That’s the power to encourage everyone on your team. And it’s the power to step into the person you’ve always longed to be.
Innovate or Stagnate
To Lead Without a Title is to leave everything you touch better than you found it. Mediocrity happens when people refuse to change and improve all that they do. Look what happened to some of the big car companies because they slowed down their devotion to innovation. The competition ate them for breakfast. And, put some out of business. The best leaders and best enterprises have a hunger to improve. It’s such a deep part of their culture they know of no other way to be. And that’s the edge that makes them great.
Become A Value Creator Versus A Clock Watcher
Success comes from the value you add rather than from the “busy-ness” you show. What’s the point of being really busy around the wrong things? Leadership is a game of focus. Focusing on fewer but smarter activities, the ones that create real value for your teammates, customers, and the world at large.
Put People First
“The business of business is people,” said Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher. We have a ton of technology yet less and less humanity. Let’s remember that people do business with people they like, trust, and respect. So build your team. Meet your customers. Deepen human connections. Treat others with respect. And put people first.
Remember That Tough Times Build Strong Leaders
Look at any exceptional leader and you’ll find that they stepped into their leadership best during a period of crises versus calmness. To Lead Without a Title is to hunt for opportunity amid every adversity. Every setback has the seeds of an opportunity. Companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon were built because their people leveraged disruptive times into brilliant wins. And, because their people refused to give up when faced with difficulty.
Go To Your Limits
The more you play out on the edges of your limits and take intelligent risks, the wider your limits will expand. The more you leave your comfort zone, the bigger your comfort zone will grow. Each day at work, do the things you know you must do but are scared to do. That’s how you grow, build your leadership capability and access more of the leader within you. There’s zero safety in staying within what I call “The safe Harbour of the Known”. That’s just an illusion that bankrupts too many businesses and breaks too many human beings.
Lead Yourself First
The Leader Who Had No Title isn’t just a book showing you how to create exceptional business success and win at work; it’s also a handbook for personal leadership. Because how can you lead other people if you haven’t first done what it takes to lead yourself? Get to know your values. Think through what you want your life to stand for. Become physically, mentally, and emotionally strong. And have a remarkably good relationship with your family. What’s the point of becoming super successful yet being alone?
Give Back A Legacy
Success is good. Significance is even better. Sure profit and peer recognition and doing great work is mission critical. But even more important that that is what you give – and all you leave behind. As I write in the book “Even the longest life is pretty short. And all that matters when you get to your last day is the difference you’ve made and the people you’ve helped.” So as you Lead Without A Title and step into your leadership best, stay focused on adding value. And, making an extraordinary contribution.